Meet Elise
Elise comes to our Life Group, a weekly session where we talk about God and share food together…
Why do you come to Life Group?
Because I want to learn about God and have people to look up to, like you.
What do you learn in Life Group?
That God’s power is limitless; we learnt that in the first week. That God can heal people and loves us. I also really enjoy the food, it’s tasty. The activities are great and I love
What is your dream in the future?
My dream is to go to South Wilts Grammar School. Then go to college and hopefully university to do something in science, I really like chemistry and would like to make medicines for people, using good ways like plants and not animals as I don’t want to hurt them.
Do you think there is anything that holds you back?
I get distracted at times, my class can be quite hectic and harder to focus in.
What do you think about Bemerton Heath?
What do you like doing out of school?
I like to look after my brother, my mum is really proud of me because I set a really good example for him. He already knows how to ride a bike and he is really young.