
A trusted adult

When a young person is having a hard time, they will often first reach out to an adult in their life. Research consistently shows the profound impact that just one trusted adult can have on a child’s life (Raney, 2019).

Our mentoring programme focuses on building trusted relationships with a young person. We listen without judgment, agenda or expectation, with the sole purpose of supporting and encouraging positivity within their life. What that looks like varies depending on each young person, be it meeting in a cafe, whilst fixing bikes or enjoying a day trip or challenge together.

Through mentoring we’ve supported young people to re-engage in education after periods of absence, navigate mental health challenges and apply for jobs, helping them live up to their amazing potential.

“The best predictor of current functioning in youth is current relational health, not history of adversity.” – Bruce Perry (2020:149) 

“You have been the best mentor that I could’ve ever asked for, and I’m so grateful for our meet ups.”

86% of young people said someone in Rise:61 was a positive adult role model who they could reach out to for support – Oct 2023 survey of 16 young people

Beth Deal

Mentoring Lead, Rise:61